Monday, August 31, 2015

A Fresh Start

Our life in the beehive state has been full of first. This is the first time we have lived faraway from family, the first time we spent a holiday away from our parents {Thanksgiving}, and now we our in a home we have bought. This is our first home we have lived in as a family and we own it! I must admit I silently squeal in my head with excitement every time I think about it. 
This home is something I have been dreaming of for years, and its a perfect starter home or our own hive! It is a 1943 bungalow and get this it has only had one owner. I love the charm of the details in our home. The original wood floors the teal trim on the outside, the beautiful garden and the new discoveries of delight we are constantly finding. 

It is a little scary knowing the we are responsible for the maintenance of our home. However I find that most great adventures start with a little bit of fear, and a lot of hope that is what we have for our home a lot of hope. Hope that we can make it into a  place of comfort, love, and most importantly a place where the spirit can dwell. 

Im excited about all that is ahead! 


Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Intresting or lack there of

So I haven;t had a chance to blog but then I really don't know what to to blog about at the current moment.

I have been trying really hard to keep my house clean since I moved here but I totally feel like I am in quicksand! I clean the kitchen then get it dirty for dinner, clean the kitchen before bed and by dinner I need to clean it again. Does anyone else have this problem?
Then there is laundry, oi! Where does it all come from it never ending and I am always falling behind assuming I was ever caught up.
This however is only part of my day. Then there are moments that are filled with great joy that take up most of my day. Some of these things like a phone call from a great friend, where we can giggle and laugh over things like laundry and kitchen woos! Than there is princess Bee who is so clever and smart watching things click for her is as amazing as any discovery a person can make; it is what equals pure success!
Today is Honey bees day off and it was marvelous! Princess Bee and him went swimming, we went grocery shopping and he worked on our cars. It may sound ordinary but it never ceases to amaze me how great a day can be doing nothing extra special. I guess what it is, is quality time.
So this was my day it was probably like so many other families and for me it was pure joy {with some exceptions mentioned above}

I hope your day was just as blessed!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Antelope Island

Last week my amazing sister in law and her little cuties came from Colorado to visit. We did a lot of stuff like seeing the SLC Temple, going on walks and just playing around.
One of my favorite things we did was go to Antelope Island. This is an area located on The Great Salt Lake. It has a heard of bison and antelope along with deer. One of the best places on the island in my opinion is a late 1800s to mid 1940s ranch that you go you feel like you are stepping back in time! The best things about it is the self guided tour and the kids are encouraged to touch EVERYTHING! When you have four kids who are told this guess what they;  they touch everything!
It was fun to watch history dance before our little bees eyes, they were excited about the history that happen there and they have already asked to go back! It was so cute princess bee and her cousin were going around saying look at this old timey fill in the blank {bed, stove, floor you name it they were amazed by it!}

Also here is a quick tip for kids if you go to a federal park make your first stop  the visitors center, and ask a Ranger about the JR Ranger program. This is a free program where they kids can do activities to become Jr Rangers. Once the activities are complete {they are mainly from a coloring book} they can take the oath to become a Jr Ranger and receive a Jr Ranger badge or patch! This year we started to collect these fun keepsakes and the best part is the kids feel like they get a special treat and it is FREE!
In the end my favorite thing was the quality time we spent together it was worth every minute of it! 
Where in Utah do you like to visit?

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I love to the Temple {Ogden open house}

So living in the beehive state has its perks and one of those perks it the amount of Temples you can visit. Yesterday I had the amazing opportunity to visit the Ogden Temple. If you live in Utah and you have the chance to see the beautiful building then go. The beauty within it is AMAZING!!!! There is no detail left unnoticed.
When you walk in you are quickly engulfed by the spirit. The love that went into making it and the people whom you can tell are just as excited to be there is evident everywhere! Even the carpet is ornately detailed, it is carved with a Razor to match the beautiful stain glass. Like I said they did not miss a detail even the door handles are sculpted.
I feel so blessed to be given the opportunity to go and visit such a special place with my family, on one of the stairways going up is this picture.
When Princess Bee was walking towards it she leaned in close to me and said "Look mommy it looks like we are walking towards Heaven". Her sweet words serve to me as a reminder of what the Temple symbolizes to me. It is a pathway towards Heaven, it brings happiness and joy that words can't explain but when experienced instantly felt and understood.
If you are not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and have opportunity to tour one of these Holy Temples then I urge you to go. The emotions you will feel can be overwhelming and if you have  questions there are a ton of people who are more than willing to answer pretty much anything. Its an experience you will not regret!
If you don't have the opportunity to visit an open house for a Temple here is a video that I would encourage you to watch it shows the craftsmanship and love that went into this building.

Have you been to an Temple open house? Which one and how did you feel?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


So this is where I will introduce myself my name Tiffany but you can call me Tiff! I just moved to the beehive state hence the name living in the beehive. I have been here for three weeks and am so far loving it!!! Our little family moved here from AZ so the weather so far is incredible! I have a hubby whom I will call Honey Bee we have been married for almost 10 years and we have one little girl who I will call Princess Bee. Our cute little bee family our members of  The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and our proud of it.

I am starting this blog as an outlet. I am super far away from my family and loved ones. Although we have family here that I am loving being around Honey Bee and I are seriously 13 hours away from our parents and most of our siblings. So with that said it can be lonely here in the beehive state. Since we have been in Utah we have had the birth of two new nieces! Have I mentioned we have only been here for three weeks!!!

So far our adventure has been filled with fun adventures including our first visit from Honey Bee's closest sibling (8 Hours away). I can not wait to share our journey with the world!!! I love to craft, decorate, cook and I love to share my thoughts through writing. Hopefully this will be a will maintained adventure that I invite everyone to join me on!!!!

                                               Me at Disneyland one of my favorite places!